Teaspoons to Cups Conversion (tsp to cup)

To convert teaspoon to cup, enter or paste teaspoon value to teaspoon input box. Next, the converter will automatically convert teaspoon to cup.

Teaspoon to Cup
tsp equals (=) 1 cup
Result is rounded to 2 decimal points.

Cups to Teaspoons Converter

How does the teaspoon to cup conversion works?

Here teaspoon to cup conversion works based on 48 tsp equals to 1 cup. To convert teaspoons to cups, the number of teaspoons is divided by 48.

Note: we assume you are converting US teaspoons to US cups.

How much cup equals 6 teaspoons?

6 teaspoons equals 1/8 cup. 48 tsp equals 1 cup. So, 6 tsp equals 6/48 cup, it means 1/8 or 0.125 cup.

How much cup equals 12 teaspoons?

12 teaspoons equals 1/4 cup. 48 tsp equals 1 cup. So, 12 tsp equals 12/48 cup, it means 1/4 or 0.25 cup.

How much cup equals 16 teaspoons?

16 teaspoons equals 1/3 cup. 48 tsp equals 1 cup. So, 16 tsp equals 16/48 cup, it means 1/3 or 0.33 cup.

How much cup equals 24 teaspoons?

24 teaspoons equals 1/2 cup. 48 tsp equals 1 cup. So, 24 tsp equals 24/48 cup, it means 1/2 or 0.50 cup.

How much cup equals 36 teaspoons?

36 teaspoons equals 3/4 cup. 48 tsp equals 1 cup. So, 36 tsp equals 36/48, it means 3/4 or 0.75 cup.

How much cup equals 48 teaspoons?

48 teaspoons equals 1 cup. 48 tsp equals 1 cup. So, 48 tsp equals 48/48 cup, it means 1 cup.

Quick teaspoon to cup conversion table:
